archivist's book bag
The condition known as Archivist's Back has crippled many a young adventurer by the time they reach their age of wisdom. Scholars, Mages, Archivists, and Traveling bookkeeper alike are prone to this insufferable ailment caused by years of lugging heavy books at their back across great landscapes.
One mage's college tasked its students into coming up with a solution. And they arrived at the Archivist's pack or often called Archivist's book bag.
This satchel is made from durable textiles that are light weight, naturally waterproof, and resistant to wear and tear. This magick container can safely and securely store a great deal of non-magickal books and doesn't gain weight more than the pack itself. Additonally, even if spilled over the books will not fall out.
To store a book, push the book through the opening in the satchel and it will with automagickally generate a book tag with book title and author's name for easy retrieval later. Simply pull on the tag and the book will return to your hands, just that easy!
Note: please do not put anything other than a non-magickal book, the bag will reject it.
Some stores also sell these bags with a collection of useful books already.