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#### Spotted Hyena
    Socialable, strong sense of family
    - Hilarious laugh (Maybe contagious laughter)
    - Strong bite
    - Developed forequarters
    - Females genitalia is indistinguishable from male..... Though a long endured myth, they are often thought to be hermaphrodites, yet this simply is not true.
    - Talkative
#### Striped Hyena
    - Strong bite
#### Brown Hyena
    Brown hyena will live in large groups, but will remain solitary indiviudals, unlike their cousin the Spotted Hyena that would band into intersocial societies.
    - True Scavenger - They easily find twice what they normally would in foraging. And they gain a +2 when looking for extra treasure.
    - The brown hyaenadae are very frugal and don't like to throw anything away. They try to hoard possessions and attempt to use everything.

#### Aardwolf
    - Grub eater, lower jaw bite. Preference to termits.
    - Long tounge
    - resistance to poisons (Comes from their ancient diet of poisonous termits)
    - A bit smaller
    - Good Hearing
    - Proficiency in Wood crafting