Talpa traits
- Adept Diggers - As a rule in their society, they must dig. As such they can dig at a rate of 10ft per turn. And have a natural unarmed strike of 1d4. This also offers decent habitat for them to stay overnight, rather than sleeping bags and tents.
Sori (Mole) & Luri (Star-nosed mole)
Sori & Luris are solitary, preferring their own homestead dens.
- Polydactyl - They have an extra thumb. Perfectly useless in practice, but a cool thing nonetheless. This offers advantage in grappling checks.
- Paralytic Spit - The Sori have a mild anethetic in their saliva that can stun an opponent The spit is well aimed as they practice from childhood. As an action they can spit at the target, which must make a save throw versus 14 or be stunned for a round.
- Quick Eater - They take little to no time to devour an entire meal. They easily spend 1/3 of the time preparing and eating meals. Also as such, any eating or quaffing action can be done as a bonus action.
- Elmer's Organ - An extra sensitive sensory organ on the tip of their snout can pick up seismic vibrations and fine details. This organ can be used in preception and investigation checks for a +5 bonus even in complete darkness.
Desmanini (Desman)
Gibbs (shrew-mole)
They live in small tribes of 12 to 20 people.
- Iron Lungs - Due to their prolonged journeys in subterranian tunnels, they've developed extraordinary lung capacities.